"The self is like a powerful magnet hidden within us. It draws us gradually to itself... the truth is that we are like iron filings. The process of finding the self is a kind of divine magnetism." ~ Ramana Maharshi
Awareness of our body/mind
connection has a profound effect on the quality of our lives....
My Yoga journey began in 1995 with Yoga teacher Mary Davis. After attending many weekly classes over 4 years I began to rediscover the enjoyment of movement, ease and fluidity in my body. You could say a seed of self love was planted within me after Mary's teachings, which became rather a mission into finding more meaning to life.
Wishing to pursue more knowledge in the deeper teachings of yoga Mary recommended a yoga course over 2/3 years with FRYOG (Friends of Yoga). This Hatha yoga course lead me to the dynamic team Brian and Gail Cosserat.

The course was a real pleasure but most importantly gave me encouragement and a great understanding towards the goal of becoming a yoga teacher. A new world was arising in me through the yoga teaching course. I was most certainly becoming physically stronger and more upright in posture. Yoga philosophy was gradually growing inside of me, and in ways of renewed feeling, presence, and more ease I was achieving a deeper understanding into day to day life.
​In 2000 I found myself in Bedfordshire UK attending a weekend of Mantra teachings with Muz Murray. It was a revelation to work with the unique way of sounding the Sanskrit alphabet with Muz. Radical change was happening in an unspoken way; so many of my old ways of behaving and habits began to simply fall away. I hold a deep special place for the miracle of mantra in my heart as it changed so much within me.
In 2002 I took a profound course named The Quest in France with Muz and Willow which initiated the birth and vision of the OM Studio. I had a clear vision of creating a safe space for bringing souls together to work on letting go of past hurts. I envisioned creating a space for the heart to rest and feel safe for self enquiry into the NOW moment.
In 2006 I found myself at the foot of the divine Arunarchala mountain in India which re-opened within me the joy of sound, dance and music. Unknown to me it had been buried and forgotten, however the mantra was now fully bringing this remembrance back to life.
I am so thankful for mantra, India, Muz, Mary, Gail, Brian, and not forgetting my stiff shoulder that took me to Yoga in the first place. Born is the Om Studio.

"Such an amazing place to practice Yoga. No matter how stressed I am feeling, I will always walk out of the OM studio with inner peace."

"The most loving and beautiful space to explore heart based teachings on and off the mat - many wonderful events to connect, delve deeper and free up space - thank you Debbie!"

"Amazingly peaceful and inspirational space. I feel so blessed to have found this lovely place."
Please join us for Silent Sitting in The Om every Wednesday. A space of Nothing that has no content no script no teacher no agenda.
The Silence is the teacher.
"We are not here to start a movement. We are here to find the unmoving one."
~ Mooji
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