Moving with Stillness - New Moon Yoga Retreat Day
Sat, 21 Jan
Time & Location
21 Jan 2023, 10:00 – 16:30
Northampton, 39, Queens Park Parade, Northampton NN2 6LP, UK
About the event
Moving With Stillness - New Moon
Date: 21st January 2023
Time: 10am - 4.30pm
Includes: A light vegetarian lunch
Exchange: £77 or £55 low income concession
Booking: Fill in the reg form here:
Moving With Stillness - New Moon
Join Raye & Rachael for a deeply nourishing Yoga & Meditation retreat day
with Cacao Blessings, Song and Poetry, on January’s first New Dark Moon.
Enter the Darkness to reveal your Light. This is an opportunity to turn your
attention inwards, to get intimate with your Stillness in the Darkness,
finding Peace in the moment and Clarity for your year ahead.
It’s easy to lose sight of the Stillness and Peace within us in this man made society
that is designed to constantly grab our attention away from the Present moment. The
New, Dark Moon phase is a great time for Meditation and Clarity, for more easily
recognising the Stillness within and exploring what is us and what is not.
It is in the Darkness, the void, that we find our guiding Light. Here we mine for the
the illuminating pearls of Wisdom that guide us to live in Integrity. With radical
Honesty, the clam like grip with which we try to control our perceived “reality”, pries
our eyes open, revealing the Wisdom needed to clearly see what is not working in
our lives, what needs to be physically and emotionally released, what needs to be
nurtured and carried forward. As we get comfy in the Dark, our Soul Star shines
more brightly.
The Dark is not evil and the Light is not good. The Dark can be ‘Shunyata”,
emptiness as the purity of Prajna Paramita, the perfection of Wisdom. The Light can
casts shadows. To be in integrity we must be willing to see, own, face and dis-create
the unconscious shadows/patterns that hide in our dark, shroud our Light, obscure
our Wisdom, steal away our energy and innate Power. This is the invitation of this
Dark/New Moon in Aquarius, for when the Full Moon comes around, her Light will
surely reveal that which is hidden, as unresolved emotions rise to the surface to be
We will journey to meet our Dark Goddess ally. Kali, Lilith, Hekate, The Morrigan, are
all powerful archetypes that can help us face any fears of the Dark, fears of our own
Power. They can help us to navigate the more difficult to feel emotions, you know
those ones you’d rather not have! As we embrace our shadow instead of denying it,
we unlock vast amounts of energy and Clarity. In time it becomes easier to set
healthy boundaries, to know what is truly right for us and feel confident to speak our
The day will include:
- Opening cacao ceremony (Song Blessings with Rachael)
- Pranayama cleansing breath practices
- Easy Heart Mantra Meditation to anchor you into the Stillness, that you can play with as an eyes closed and/or eyes open daily practice
- A deep, myth infused, slow flowing, alignment based Yoga practice
- A nourishing vegetarian lunch
- Heart led journey, journaling and sharing (optional)
- Deeply Restful & Restorative Yoga
- Chakra Healing Mantra Meditation
- Closing ceremony (Song Blessings with Rachael)
This is a cosy and intimate retreat with only 10 spaces available.
To book your space please click here to fill in the registration form:
Let us begin 2023 with a clean slate, taking more time to set our intentions and
resolutions (especially as Mercury is retrograde at New Year!) knowing that we need
not fear the Dark, that we are not alone, as we trust that Wisdom is within us, guiding
us if only we will learn how to listen.
2023 is a 7 year (numerology). 7 brings opportunities to experience Trust. Before we
can Trust others we must first learn to know and Trust ourSelves. It’s a good year for
exploring our talents, for learning new things, for using our creative skills, hobbies,
and special gifts to help others. This New Moon in Aquarius will support us in seeing
ourselves clearly and how our unique Presence and creativity can add value to our
Moving with Stillness is to live from a place of deep listening, Joyfully dancing the song of your Heart into Being.
Booking: Fill in the reg form here:
Instagram: @thebendywitch
Facebook: /bendywitch