The Living Lab
Fri, 17 Jun
A Space for Improvisation, Creative Play and Exploration using Embodied Voice and Movement

Time & Location
17 Jun 2022, 11:30 – 13:00
Northampton, 39, Queens Park Parade, Northampton NN2 6LP, UK
About the event
The Idea
Born out of the OM studio incubator, the Living Lab is a creative space to play, explore and deep dive into the development our creative and improvisational skills. This will be a space to listen to and follow our embodied wisdom, to play with movement, voice and performance and to develop organically as individuals and a group.
We are so lucky to have within our community a wealth of experience and wisdom of different embodied, vocal, improvisational practices – from the resonances of sound work, to embodied movement, to soul channelling through voice. The idea of this lab, like any laboratory, is to bring all these elements together, to share, learn, collaborate, and create something new and as yet unknown.
Rollo May was an existential philosopher, who speaks of the courage it takes to be truly, revolutionarily creative. He speaks of the power of creativity, how it is both an act of personal courage, and of counter cultural importance. Exploring our creativity in a fully embodied way, we start to listen to and express our higher selves - the voice within, our intuition, our divine nature – whatever we might call it, this journey can move us beyond the known into new ways of being. And it is a journey of great potential.
Creative courage … is the discovering of new forms, new symbols, new patterns on which a new society can be built. (Rollo May, The Courage to Create)
The urgency of creating new ways of being, for ourselves and for our world is at hand.
The Set Up
The encouragement is for a different member of the group to hold the space each week, sharing something of their practice, ideas and creativity, and helping facilitate the group process. We will organise this as we go along. We are all active participants in the group, so the invitation is to meet each facilitator with curiosity and openness. There is also no pressure to take on the leadership role if this feels too much for now.
There is a vitality, a life force, an energy, a quickening that is translated through you into action, and because there is only one of you in all time, this expression is unique. And if you block it, it will never exist through any other medium and will be lost. (Martha Graham, dance artist)
As this is a shared creative endeavour, the exchange will be energetic and gift based, rather than monetary. We will just ask for a £5 donation per person per session, to cover the cost of the space, heat, light etc.
The Logistics
Current dates are:
Friday 25th March 11.30 – 1pm
Friday 8th April 11.30 – 1pm
Moving forward, we are looking at a regular weekly session of 90 minutes, ideally on a Friday, but to be negotiated with our participants.
If this sounds like something for you, please get in touch! So excited to be creating this space to voyage onwards together in body, sound, and soul!
Debbie OM 07828 139582
Lootie Johansen-Bibby 07862 714521