Mon, 10 Jun
|The Om Studio
Yoga Presence with Debbie via ZOOM
WEEKLY CLASSES: Monday 9.30am - 11am / Beginners & Beyond Tuesday 6pm - 7.30pm / Beginners & Beyond Wednesday 7pm - 8.30pm / Beginners & Beyond Thursday 9.30am - 11am / Practise Required
Time & Location
10 Jun 2019, 09:30 – 08 Jun 2020, 11:00
The Om Studio, 39, Queens Park Parade, Northampton NN2 6LP, UK
About the event
EMAIL for ZOOM details
Yoga Presence with Debbie
❋ Dates and Times: Weekly classes:
Monday 9.30am - 11am / Beginners & Beyond
Tuesday 6pm - 7.30pm / Beginners & Beyond
Wednesday 7pm - 8.30pm / Beginners & Beyond
Thursday 9.30am - 11am / Practise Required
❋ Exchange: £13 per class (discounts available for booking blocks of classes, please see Debbie's yoga page for block booking prices)
This class encourages you to begin working with body movement placing the focus on inner body tension through sensation. Some of the movement will involve small articulations, spirals, circles, and curves leading towards Yoga postures.
The practice of yielding to receive the ground’s support plays a big part in my Yoga teaching.
A lot of our work is on the ground which is helpful in assisting the body to find ways it can undo physical tension in the moment of seeing and sensing.
This class will explore the benefits of giving yourself pause time to witness movement and non movement. It is important to look at what is there beneath functional movement in order to find flow and fluidity in the body.
There is great holistic value in giving appreciation to the ‘undoing’ of the body under the spotlight of awareness, and further to that it is important to avoid imposing another layer of work on top of what is already here for us to work with.
Our process is gradual, and comes from a strong foundation of breath awareness. We yield by meeting the ground, and then spend some time lengthening the spine until a sense of expansion/space becomes available inside the body.
My work with you begins at the root, and continues by listening under your care and understanding from inside the body.
I will often use my spoken words within the group to encourage you to be ‘with what is’, and aid the ‘undoing’ which is where the True Yoga is found. This brings therapeutic value to the practice and will automatically create change in the physical and mental environment of the body. Inner change creates outer change.
❋ Yoga Presence - I am Providing a space where you will be able to focus your full attention and awareness on yourself.
❋Yoga Presence – During the restful space towards the end of a class you will develop deeper relaxation techniques to help during ones day to day life. It must be said underfloor heating aids this assistance too!
❋ Yoga Presence - Meditation practices during a class may include Mantra sound practice, and/or breathing practice. These practices will change the body/mind chemistry toward better health and wellbeing.
Yoga creates a different relationship within your body mind connection on so many levels.
This Exploration maybe just what you need to prescribe yourself.
Make the Change you wish to see in the world.
It starts inside You Here and Now.
Further Info
❋ We accept cheque, BACS (email us for further info) or Paypal (please see paypal links on Debbie's Yoga Page)
❋ Please refer to the Important Class Information page prior to attending your first class.
"We are so lucky and privileged to have the Om Studio. It is so rare to have a space that is only used for yoga and healing,. Not only is the space welcoming, safe and nurturing, but the array of different offerings is staggering with some truly unique experiences happening right here in my home town, and a wonderful community. More than that though is that I have found I can trust every single person that I have met holding the space here. I have been welcomed, looked after and supported in this place. Lastly but not at all least, I cannot tell you the difference Debbie's yoga classes have made to my life. There really is nothing like them. The care and love she brings, as well as the bravery to do something authentic is beautiful. I think what I am trying to say is that I feel like I have a trusted friend for life in the Om Studio - not matter what path my life will take, it will be there for me. Thank you Om Studio" ~ Gemma
❋ Booking ❋
EMAIL for ZOOM details
We accept cheque, BACS (email us on for further info) or Paypal (please see Debbie's yoga page for Paypal links at the very bottom).